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How to Manifest Your Goals: Reflections & Tips


Manifestation. This used to be a big and scary word for me. Probably because as a high schooler, I had very little idea of what I wanted to do next. Graduate, get a job, get married? Was that the narrative I was supposed to follow? I had no clue. But in came new experiences, new environments, new people, and with that the concept of manifestation became much more clear. A fellow blogger and friend of mine, Angie, defined manifestation as “something that you bring to your physical life by the power of your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings.” Today Angie and I will be describing our personal experiences with manifestation and our tips on how to manifest your goals!

Manifest goals tips

Following Our Experiences:

Angie manifestation experience goals

Never did I picture myself landing a career in Human Resources… I have a BA in Psychology. During college, I worked for a small medical clinic as an Administrative Assistant. Fast forward 4 years later and I am the sole person in the Human Resources Department. Please know that I use the term ‘department’ VERY loosely because before me, there was no Human Resources! And although I loved my job and the clinic, I was underpaid with very limited benefits. 

I began to feel that I have outgrown my position. Upon discovering that I would never progress with the clinic, I decided it was time to spread my wings. It was time to apply to positions that challenged me and offered room for growth.

I still have the notebook entry. I specifically wrote “Between July-August, I will get a higher paying job with better benefits.” Job hunting mode in full force! I landed an interview with The Women’s Tennis Association and got the job. An increase in annual salary by $7,000. A very generous vacation and sick time package and affordable and comprehensive benefits. My start date was August 27, 2018.

Although I no longer work for the company, I am grateful for the experience because it has led me to my current position and company, in which I have an even higher salary and more generous benefits. To know that I created this opportunity for myself, makes it even more gratifying. 

Harumi's picture manifestation goals

When I was in college, I had a lot of anxiety surrounding what my future was going to look like. What kind of job would I do? Would I be motivated to maintain a job? I knew that I wanted to work in special needs, but with the little work experience I had under my belt and lack of education in special education, would I even be able to land a job?

After I officially completed my classes, I said to myself that I was done being afraid of my future. I was going to manifest a job in special needs! 

I started with extensive research, worked on my resume, checked the common qualifications, and took opportunities that would make me more qualified, filled out multiple applications a day, and then I waited. Suddenly, there was a pouring of e-mails and phone calls. People actually wanted to interview me!

From there, I had back to back interviews and soon it was time for me to make a decision between four companies. And though the decision was difficult, I was astounded that I did what I set out to do. I manifested a job!  Cut to present day, I am still working in ABA therapy and I am so grateful for everything I’ve learned and experienced.

How to Manifest Your Goals

  1. Write it down: When you write a goal down, it becomes more tangible! You can write it in a journal, create little notes to put in a hopes/dreams box, or create a vision board.
  2. Be very specific: When writing your manifestation, you want to ensure that you are writing clear and detailed specifics about your manifestation. What exactly do you want? Is there a timeframe? Vague manifestations can turn into a reality you did not really desire.
  3. Research: Put any uncertainties to rest. By researching, you’ll gain a better understanding of what steps you need to take toward your goal.
  4. Time: Time plays a major part in the journey. It’s important to recognize that sometimes things don’t come instantaneously. This concept can easily be applied to anything we try to manifest, whether that be a job, saving up for a vacation, graduating from school, etc…
  5. Put your back into it: Making dreams happen takes a lot of heavy lifting. It means putting in the effort and work, even when challenges arise.
  6. Break it down into steps: Sometimes looking at an entire project or a task with multiple steps can be overwhelming. Try breaking down your manifestation and recognizing that each step matters no matter how small. 
  7. Don’t beat yourself up: We all know how critical we can be when it comes to ourselves. But that’s not mentally healthy or productive. Acknowledge that what you’re doing now is enough!
  8. Intent is everything: Believe that this manifestation will happen! If you have any feelings of failure, failure is what is presented.
Manifest with goals and tips


Those were some of our experiences and tips on how to manifest your goals. It’s an optimistic perspective and yes, there may be hardships while trying to achieve a major goal. So, acknowledge the challenges, ask yourself if this is really what you want, and put down those stepping stones towards your aspirations. 

A special thanks to Angie for being a part of this thoughtful collaboration. She is a lifestyle blogger, who focuses on raw and vulnerable concepts, ranging from self-help tips and taboo topics to travel. Please show her some love here:

Good luck on your journey,

Angie signature manifest tips goals


26 thoughts on “How to Manifest Your Goals: Reflections & Tips”

  1. I loved this post, i am starting my grad school applications and I’m having a lot of doubts… but your advice is really helpful, I want to put all my doubts aside and take the process day by day.

    1. I’m so glad that you found this post helpful. I, too, am in a similar boat with grad school. It’s totally valid to feel anxious about that. Day by day is great motto to live by.

  2. First and foremost – congratulations on your first collab! I published my first collab a few weeks ago and I had a small increase in traffic. Baby steps go a long way!

    There’s no easy challenge but what I have learned is how to control my level of fear. I have a motto in life; I either win or learn – I never lose.

    I love the 8 goals you mentioned too. I hope other visitors take note.

    Keep working hard on your blog!

  3. Those 8 tips are so important, especially time! I used to get really impatient when it came to achieving goals, and now I’m a little bit older and wiser (some may say) time is something I appreciate and acknowledge more and more!

    Thanks for sharing these tips, they’re really useful. Hope you’re keeping well.


    1. Absolutely. We’re living in a time, where information is provided to us instantaneously, so it can be difficult to be patient for the things we really want. But it’s necessary on our journey. Thanks for the comment. Stay safe too!!

    2. Wow thank you so much for sharing ❤ I’m actually struggling with this right now, trying to find a new career and what exactly that would be. I’ll have to try these tips 😊

  4. I feel like I often forget to make goals, but they’re really so important! Small goals usually motivate me to keep moving forward and achieve my big goals. Thanks for sharing this!

  5. Natascha |

    I absolutely love this blog post! I’m a big fan of vision boards, I even printed it out and put on my toilet door so I have to look at it every single day. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  6. I love this article and the tips! Kudos to you for seeing your goals all the way through. For me, numbers 7 and 8 were always my biggest challenges, although I have gotten a lot better over time. Thanks for the post, I am going to keep this list close by. 💖💄

  7. Pingback: Setting Powerful Goal Systems to Achieve Your Dreams - LifeLivedCandidly

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